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I want to convert this function to VB.NET:

Private Function FilterFileName(ByVal FileName As String) As String
  FilterFileName = Empty
  Dim MyLoop As Integer
  For MyLoop = 1 To Len(FileName)
   If Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) >= 97 And Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) <= 122 Or _
      Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) <= 90 Or _
      Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) >= 48 And Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) <= 57 Or _
      Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) = 32 Or _
      Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) = 45 Or _
      Asc(Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)) = 95 Then
       FilterFileName = FilterFileName & Mid$(FileName, MyLoop, 1)
   End If
End Function

Everything is alright, I just cannot find the new Asc() method in .NET.

Each old method has a .NET version, for example InStr instead of Mid$ but where is new method for ASC()?


  • Leaders

Instead of the Mid() function, you can use the String.Chars property to get an individual character. Its quicker and returns a Char value, which you can compare with > and < without using the Asc() method.

Private Function FilterFileName(ByVal FileName As String) As String
  FilterFileName = Empty
  Dim MyLoop As Integer
  For MyLoop = 1 To Len(FileName)
   If FileName.Chars(MyLoop) >= "a"c And FileName.Chars(MyLoop) <= "z"c Or _
      FileName.Chars(MyLoop) >= "A"c And FileName.Chars(MyLoop) <= "Z"c Or _
      FileName.Chars(MyLoop) >= "0"c And FileName.Chars(MyLoop) <= "9"c Or _
      FileName.Chars(MyLoop) = " "c Or _
      FileName.Chars(MyLoop) = "-"c Or _
      FileName.Chars(MyLoop) = "_"c Then
       FilterFileName &= FileName.Chars(MyLoop)
   End If
End Function

You could make it even simpler, too, by using the functions of the Char type.


Private Function FilterFileName(ByVal FileName As String) As String

FilterFileName = Empty

Dim MyLoop As Integer

For MyLoop = 1 To Len(FileName)

Dim C As Char = FileName.Chars(MyLoop)

If Char.IsLetterOrDigit© Or _

C = " "c Or _

C = "-"c Or _

C = "_"c Then

FilterFileName &= FileName.Chars(MyLoop)

End If


End Function[/code]

The System.IO.Path class has some functions that might make things simpler for you, too.


You might also use RegEx


Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Dim pattern as String = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_\s-]+$"
Dim expression as Regex = new Regex(pattern)

If expression.IsMatch(YourInputVariable) = True Then
   ' Valid file name
   'Bad file name
End If


This will provide you with a more controlled file name than System.IO.Path methods will give you.



Please use the [vb]/[cs] tags on posted code.

Please post solutions you find somewhere else.

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