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Hi eveyone,

I've been working on this for days now and am frustrated... I keep getting an exception unhandled error "EndOfStreamException." It says "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." What this code is supposed to do is that read a binary file but tis binary file has 4 byte floating-point values in it. What I am trying to do is just read these floating point values and write them to file... I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out. Thanks.


 Dim s1 As FileStream 'Load file 1
            Dim s3 As FileStream 'Save output

           If System.IO.File.Exists(TextBox19.Text) Then
           End If
           s1 = New FileStream(TextBox1.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
            s3 = New FileStream(TextBox19.Text, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)

           Dim br1 As BinaryReader
            Dim bw As BinaryWriter

           br1 = New BinaryReader(s1)
            bw = New BinaryWriter(s3)

           Dim fLen1 As Integer
           Dim f1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(TextBox1.Text)

                 fLen1 = s1.Length


           Dim snglRead1(fLen1) As Single
           Dim snglOutput(fLen1) As Single 'wıll hold results from division
              Dim i As Integer
           Dim j As Integer
           Dim k As Integer
           Dim m As Integer

           For i = 0 To fLen1 - 1
                    snglRead1(i) = br1.ReadSingle 'Exception thrown right here


           For j = 0 To fLen1 - 1
               snglOutput(j) = snglRead1(j)


Your loop where the app throws the exception is going through every byte in the file,

while br1.readsingle reads 4 bytes every time it is called.


So dividing the length of the file by the length of the float (in case of single 4) should do the trick.




Double posting is a bad thing :p

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