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I have a windows form that interfaces with a sql database. There is a combobox bound to the parent table and when the users selects a record from the combobox, the parent record will load into a series of textboxes and the child records (up to 4 of them) will load into a datagridview. I have a data access layer which loads adapters for the parent and child tables.

I have the parent record part figured out but the child rows are a problem.

Here is my code and any help would be appreciated:

Private Sub rrNoComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles rrNoComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted
   Dim aBindingSource As BindingSource
   Dim rrNoString As String
   Dim index As Integer = 0
   Dim recordDataRow As DataRow
   Dim levelDataRow As DataRow '??

   rrNoString = rrNoComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString

   recordDataRow = aRiskReleaseDataSet.RiskReleaseRecord.FindByRiskRelNo(rrNoString)

'This is where I tried to access the child rows and it loads the datagrid but 'only with the fieldnames for the parentrow
   aBindingSource = New BindingSource
     With rrLevelDataGridView
       .AutoGenerateColumns = True
       aBindingSource.DataSource = recordDataRow.GetChildRows(rrNoString)
       .DataSource = aBindingSource
       .AllowUserToResizeRows = True
       .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
     End With
   Catch ex As Exception
     MessageBox.Show("The Error is: " & ex.Message.ToString)
   End Try

'This code works to load the parent information

   With Me
     .progNoTextBox.Text = recordDataRow!ProgNo.ToString

   End With
 End Sub

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