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Xtreme .Net Talk

Build Executables

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Guest ToolMan19

I have a very difficult problem!

I am using Visual Studio .NET for programming Visual Basic.

Whenever I go to Build.... it creates an .exe File, which can be executed form the explorer, but only on my computer, not on another one.


does anyone know why? it's very urgent!


thx! stef

Guest Nikolai
To execute IL-Code on other Computers, the .NET Framework Redistributable (not SDK) musst be installed on the target-Computer. You can find the .NET Redistributable here. It`s free :D
Guest ToolMan19

das ist aber ein witz, oder?


ich meine, wenn ich jetzt programme, die mit visual studio .net erstellt wurden auf einem anderen rechner laufen lassenn will, muss dann immer dieser 20 mb große file installiert sein?


das kanns ja nicht sein, oder?


ciao! stef

Guest OnErr0r
Yes, they must have the 20 meg runtime installed. It only needs to be installed once. On the plus side, the framework is installed via WindowsUpdate too.

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