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I am in need of help. I have an applet that processes an XML file to do transfer it to a SQL database. It needs to analyze the records to see if they are already in the DB, and do an INSERT or UPDATE.


Here is the code that is trying to process the results of a SELECT query to pull a Primary Key field from the DB:


// fetch
   CString machineMasterPK;
   rc = g_sqlMgr.Fetch();
   if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(rc)) {
       if (*fieldname == _T('~')) ++fieldname;

       // loop to get the last one (just in case of the same MachineMaster data
       // was entered more than once).
       do {
           machineMasterPK = g_sqlMgr.GetCol(SQL_MACHINE_MASTER_PK, _T(""));
           cout << "Loop Field Value: " << machineMasterPK << endl;
       } while ( SQL_SUCCEEDED( rc=g_sqlMgr.Fetch() ));
       cout << "Fieldname value: " << fieldname << endl;
       cout << "MachineMasterPK: " << machineMasterPK << endl;

What I get back is "@", but if I run the SELECT query that is being submitted and (apparently) executed successfully, I get a fully-populated record back.


Here is a part of the appropirate .h file:


// MachineMaster
#define    SQL_MACHINE_MASTER_PK            _T("~MachineMasterPK")
#define    SQL_PRODUCTION_ORDER_NUMBER        _T("~ProductionOrderNumber")
#define    SQL_SALES_ORDER_NUMBER            _T("SalesOrderNumber")
#define    SQL_SALES_ORDER_ITEM            _T("SalesOrderItem")
#define    SQL_SALES_ORDER_MATERIAL        _T("SalesOrderMaterial")
#define    SQL_MATERIAL_DESCRIPTION        _T("MaterialDescription")
#define    SQL_CUSTOMER_NUMBER                _T("CustomerNumber")
#define    SQL_CUSTOMER_NAME                _T("CustomerName")

C++ is not my primary language, so I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm maintaining an app that I inherited.



The three most important things in life: God, your family, and the Green Bay Packers -- Not necessarily in that order.

Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

-- Vincent T. Lombardi

Well, I figured out what was going on.


I replaced

machineMasterPK = g_sqlMgr.GetCol(SQL_MACHINE_MASTER_PK, _T(""));



machineMasterPK = g_sqlMgr.GetCol("MachineMasterPK", _T(""));

and it worked great. And if I were to put in


machineMasterPK = g_sqlMgr.GetCol(fieldname, _T(""));

I bet it would still work.


Thanks for the views.



The three most important things in life: God, your family, and the Green Bay Packers -- Not necessarily in that order.

Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

-- Vincent T. Lombardi

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