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Here's a strange question: Where does ASP get the code that is reported on error screens?


There is a screenshot attached to this message.


Now look at the code that is being executed at that line number:


526:        If drpChecklist.SelectedItem.Value = "-1" Then
527:            drpWorkcenter.Enabled = False
528:            btnAdd.Enabled = False
529:        Else
530:            WorkcenterPK = GetChecklistWorkcenterPK(Session("ChecklistPK"))
532:            If WorkcenterPK = "NONE" Then
533:                Session("WorkcenterPK") = -1
534:                drpWorkcenter.SelectedIndex = 0
535:            Else
536:                Session("WorkcenterPK") = WorkcenterPK
537:                drpWorkcenter.SelectedValue = WorkcenterPK
538:            End If
539:            Session("WorkcenterNumber") = ViewState("WorkcenterNumber")
540:            Session("WorkcenterName") = ViewState("WorkcenterName")
542:            drpWorkcenter.Enabled = True
543:            btnAdd.Enabled = True
544:        End If

Now a bit about the environment: They have two websites: PMTravelBinder and PMTravelBinderDev.


As you can see in the image, the Address is running at PMTravelBinderDev. Now look at the Source in the error screenshot: PMTravelBinder.


How does ASP decide what code section to pull to display? I KNOW that the code is executing the right version of the code, since it is running updated functionality from the development environment, but it is displaying code sections from the Production environment.


How does it determine where to pull code from?


I'm very confused....



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