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Posted (edited)

Problem Solved, had already called the .Dispose method.



Hi all


I have a crystal report which I am displaying in my web page as a .pdf file. I am getting the error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when the Page_Unload method is fired. Not sure what could be going wrong, as I am using the same code in two other pages, and they work correctly. Is it that I should be using a garbage collector?


Here is the code that I am using:

'Global Variable
Dim oRpt As ReportDocument

Protected Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Unload
End Sub

Private Sub GenerateReport()

       Dim crystalServer As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SERVER").ToString
       Dim count As Int16 = 0
       oRpt = New ReportDocument

       Dim util As New Utility
       Dim requestedHostAddress As String
       requestedHostAddress = Request.UserHostAddress

       'If util.GetReportCredentials(dbUser, dbPass, dbName) = False Then
       '    Response.Redirect("Error.aspx?fc=rpt&type=Msgrpt")
       'End If
       Dim rptpath As String = Server.MapPath("rptMessages.rpt")
       If Len(rptpath) = 0 Then
           Exit Sub
       End If

       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("DFrom").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("From") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("DTo").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("To") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("Org").Text = "'" + Session("OrgID") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("GID").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("GID") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("Group").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("Group") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("Type").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("Type") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("User").Text = "'" + Request.QueryString("by").Replace("'", "`") + "'"
       oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("OName").Text = "'" + Session("OrgName") + "'"

       Try 'The following try catch statement is responsible for generating the report in a .pdf format.
           Dim crLogonInfo As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo
           crLogonInfo = oRpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo
           crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = crystalServer
           crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DBNAME").ToString
           crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("USER").ToString
           crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("PASS").ToString

           Dim myExportOptions As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions
           Dim myDiskFilesDestinationOptions As CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions
           Dim myExportFile As String

           myExportFile = "C:\temp\PDF " & Session.SessionID.ToString & ".pdf"
           myDiskFilesDestinationOptions = New CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions
           myDiskFilesDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = myExportFile
           myExportOptions = oRpt.ExportOptions

           With myExportOptions
               .DestinationOptions = myDiskFilesDestinationOptions
               .ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
               .ExportFormatType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
           End With


           Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

           If Not oRpt Is Nothing Then
               oRpt = Nothing
           End If

       Catch ex As Exception
           If count <= 1 Then
               crystalServer = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SERVER_FAILOVER").ToString
               count = +1
           End If
           GoTo start
       End Try
   End Sub



Edited by mike55

A Client refers to the person who incurs the development cost.

A Customer refers to the person that pays to use the product.


My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. (Mosabama vbforums.com)

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