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Hi all.


I have a slight problem with Crystal Report. Currently I'm using Visual Studio .Net 2002 with it's embedded Crystal Report.


I have two different query, qry1 and qry2. qry1 has three criteria. That is criteria A, B, and C. qry2 has the same criteria with qry1 with and additional criteria D. So qry2 has criteria A, B, C, and D. Due to the lack of data variety both queries return the exact same result set. I know this because I've already tested the query directly to the database server.


That result set are then used in a crystal report object. I tested qry2. The report are shown perfectly. But when I tested qry1. I didn't get anything. It turns out qry1 didn't return any result in the application. But as I mentioned before, both queries were tested directly to the database server and returns the exact same result set.


Can anyone help me on this matter?

Amir Syafrudin





I modified some of the data in the tables that get selected by both queries. Before both queries return 71 rows. After modification both queries return 70 rows. Now the result can be shown whether I'm using qry1 or qry2.


A stupid workaround. I don't even know what the real problem was. Maybe there's compatibility problem with System.Data.OracleClient. Since I'm using VS.Net 2002, System.Data.OracleClient comes separately.



Amir Syafrudin

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