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I have set a combobox as follows:


 'set the bindings for the transaction description combobox

  Me.cboTransDescription.DataSource = glb_dbTransactionDescBinding

  Me.cboTransDescription.DisplayMember = "tran_description"

  Me.cboTransDescription.ValueMember = "tran_id"

This successfully populates the combobox and also allows me to add items which appear in the combobox.


I want to be able to delete the selected item in the combobox and found on this site that one should use a bindingsource to do so which I did and it does get removed from the combobox but I have found that neither adding or deleting affects the actual database.


Here is how I setup the bindingsource:



glb_dbTransactionDescBinding.DataSource = glb_dtTransactionDesc

and here is how I delete a record from the combobox but does not affect the database:




Have I lost the plot and missed something important?



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