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Hi, I have a script which executes perfectly with not errors, however it simply does not work!


 Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(TableForm.da)

       Dim thenewcol As New System.Data.DataColumn

       thenewcol.ColumnName = nameofcol.Text


       TableForm.da.Update(TableForm.ds, "PeriodicDB")



  Public Sub setup()


       con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; DATA Source = " + path

       Catch ex As Exception
           lblStatus.Text = "Error!"
           lblLink.Text = "Details..."
           exceptionText = ex.ToString()
       End Try

       sql = "SELECT * FROM PeriodicElements"
       da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
       da.Fill(ds, "PeriodicDB")

       sql = "SELECT * FROM data_inc"
       da2 = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
       da2.Fill(ds, "ColNames")

       tot_columns = ds.Tables("PeriodicDB").Columns.Count

       lblStatus.Text = ("Connection to DB was successful.")
       lblLink.Text = ""


   End Sub


As I said before, there are no errors, it simply doesn't work, the database remains unchanged.


One thing interesting to note, is that when setup recounts the columns, it includes the new column in its count, yet for all I can see it isn't in the database, and then my program crashes trying to access the item at the last count.


Any ideas?






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