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Hello everyone,


Im trying to view ports on a fax server to determine if they are in free or being used. I tried using FaxCom.dll and faxcomex.dll with no luck.


Here is my code usind faxcom.dll:

Dim faxSvr As New FAXCOMLib.FaxServer
           Dim fs As FAXCOMLib.FaxStatus
           Dim fp As FAXCOMLib.FaxPorts
           Dim IsRecieving As Integer
           Dim IsSending As Integer
           Dim counter As Integer
           Dim freePort As Integer = 0


           fp = faxSvr.GetPorts

           For counter = 1 To fp.Count
               fs = fp.Item(counter)

               IsRecieving = fs.Receive
               IsSending = fs.Send

               If IsRecieving > 0 And IsSending > 0 Then
                   'freeport remains unchanged
                   freePort = freePort + 1
               End If

           Return freePort


the error occurs at fp = faxSvr.GetPorts but there is no confirmation that I am successfully connecting to the server in the line before.

Does anybody know why this error is occuring??


Or better yet, does anybody know of a alternative way of doing this??




Are these TCP ports? If so, then you really do not even need to use their DLL. You can just try connecting the the IP for a range of ports. If the connection is successful you obviously know that port is being used and you can instantly disconnect.


Most TCP port scanners do this sort of brute force scan.

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