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Supposed I want to create a button, and only need it's click event. Which one should I use:


dim withevents button1 as windows.forms.button




dim button1 as windows.forms.button
addhandler button1.click,addresof button1_click


Which is the best and why?


Thanks in advance

  • Leaders

To make your VB code pretty, use the

 tags, and to make C# code look pretty use [CS] tags.


As for the difference between WithEvents and AddHandler, the only difference is that WithEvents does the wiring automatically. That means that if you declare a WithEvents variable, every time you assign an object to the variable, the handlers are automatically attatched and every time you remove an object from a variable (assign another object or assign Nothing to the variable) the handlers are removed.


AddHandler/RemoveHandler gives you more control over how event handlers at attatched and removed, but if WithEvents suits your needs then that is probably your best bet because it requires a smaller amount of clearer code (but is harder to port to other languages).


Both methods basically compile down to the same thing.


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