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Can someone guide me to an example for setting the row of a DataGridView programmatically? For Examle:




I tried:


DataGridView1.Rows(yyy).Selected = True


but that only highlights the row.

Go Beavs!!!

DataGridView1.Rows(12).Selected = True

should do it

Make sure to Set SelectionMode = FullRowSelect





Can someone guide me to an example for setting the row of a DataGridView programmatically? For Examle:




I tried:


DataGridView1.Rows(yyy).Selected = True


but that only highlights the row.

Currently Using: Visual Basic.Net 2005, .Net Framework 2.0

Ah ok then you want to EDIT that cell , i think.


.BeginEdit() should do it .. just make sure you have already selected it


its funny you ask this, i just figured this out a few days ago. Also, it's important to make sure you have only 1 cell selected. Oddly, I had to use .MultiSelect = False before I used .BeginEdit().

.ClearSelection() didnt seem to clear the selections alone, oddly.


so i did

       dgrid1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
       dgrid1.MultiSelect = False
       dgrid1.Item(column, row).Selected = True
       dgrid1.Item(colum, row).ReadOnly = False

some of that is probably unnecessary




ALl that does is highlights the cell' date=' it does not change the focus to that row[/quote']
Currently Using: Visual Basic.Net 2005, .Net Framework 2.0

No, but I figured it out myself.


You must:


On form load

Dim bs As New BindingSource
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As DataSet

da = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
       ds = New DataSet
       bs.DataSource = ds
       bs.DataMember = ds.Tables(0).TableName

Dim dv As DataGridView = DataGridView1

       dv.DataSource = bs


trigger the change of selected records


Dim yyy = 22 'or any other desired row
DataGridView1.Rows(yyy).Selected = True
DataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = yyy
bs.Position = yyy

Go Beavs!!!

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