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I'm having trouble catching a Timeout Exception.

I can catch it generically with "Catch exc As Exception" and then identify it by its hash code, but this seems like a hack.

I've searched the docs and tried many experiments but can't find the "right" way to catch it. This is a serial port read timeout.

Can anyone help?


Here's my code.


 Try  ' Flush the COMM buffer:  Read until no more chars: timeout.  
           While (m_CommPort.Read(1) <> -1)  ' LOOP: Poll & read.  
               iChars += Chr(m_CommPort.InputStream(0)) ' Read any residue chars. 
               iCharCount += 1                          ' Count residue chars.  
               lblEmStatus.Text = "Flushed " & iCharCount & ",=<" & iChars & ">"  ' Display residue chars. 
           End While 

           ' A TimeOut exception here means "flush is completed, port is clear".-------------- 

           'Catch exc As System.IO.IOTimeoutException  '---THIS WONT COMPILE: NOT DEFINED.-- 
           'Catch exc As System.Runtime.InteropServices.IOTimeoutException  '---THIS WONT COMPILE: NOT DEFINED.-- 
           'Catch exc As System.IO.StringReader.IOTimeoutException    '---THIS WONT COMPILE: NOT DEFINED.-- 
       Catch exc As System.IO.IOException '---THIS COMPILES BUT NEVER CATCHES ANY EXCEPTIONS.-- 
       Catch exc As ServiceProcess.TimeoutException  '---THIS COMPILES BUT NEVER CATCHES ANY EXCEPTIONS.-- 

       Catch exc As Exception  ' THIS CATCHES ALL EXCEPTIONS OK. 
           Dim ExceptionType As System.Type 
           ExceptionType = exc.GetType() 
           strErrMsg = exc.Message.ToString ' Text Error Message.  
           iHashCode = exc.Message.GetHashCode 
           MsgBox("Generic Exception " & iHashCode & "=<" & strErrMsg & ">") ' 
           ' codes= -11889027343=NotOpen, +1218191172=Timeout 
       End Try   


Where can I look up these mysterious codes ? They are not valid HRESULTS.

I need to find out the Exception Types that correspond to these codes.

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