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Ok sorry couldnt be more specific but I am not sure how to explain this within just one subject line.


OK here it is...


I need to know where to place this


Public Overridable Property InnerXml() As String


I found some code that does exactly what I need in adding an Element on all its children at one time to an existing xml file but all of the code resides within a button click event except the above mentioned code....


They never said where to put it....

Does it go in a module or something cause I have tried just bleow Imports Sytem.xml and that didnt work then just below

Public CLase Form1


That didnt work either.....


So where does it go?



Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition!

That's a property declaration and goes between Class..End Class. It works similarly to a method (Sub, Function). If that's all you have then you're missing some code and that could be why you're getting the error. Try

Public Overridable Property InnerXml() As String
  End Get
  Set (Value as String)
  End Set
End Property


Though what's supposed to go in there is any body's guess...

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