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i have writen a write XML sub


   Private Sub WriteOpts_XML()
       Dim XMLobj As Xml.XmlTextWriter
       Dim ue As New System.[Text].UnicodeEncoding
       XMLobj = New Xml.XmlTextWriter("Opts.xml", ue)
       XMLobj.Formatting = Xml.Formatting.Indented
       XMLobj.Indentation = 3
       XMLobj.WriteAttributeString("PunishValue", cmbPun.SelectedIndex)
       XMLobj.WriteAttributeString("BanSetValue", cmbBan.SelectedIndex)
       XMLobj.WriteAttributeString("Nickname", CFNick.Text)
       XMLobj.WriteAttributeString("PunishTime", txtpun.Text)
       XMLobj.WriteAttributeString("BanSettings", txtban.Text)


it gives out this XML file


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<EthylOpts PunishValue="6" BanSetValue="2">
  <Options Nickname="BlackCell" PunishTime="TextBox1" BanSettings="TextBox1" />


now i cant get s read XML to read the XML file and put those values and text where they are supposed to be.


Something like the following should work for you, it is however by no means the only way of doing it. I'm a C# user myself, hopefully I translated it to vb correctly.

        Dim reader As New System.Xml.XmlTextReader("path")
       While reader.Read()
           If reader.NodeType = System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element Then
               If reader.Name = "EthylOpts" Then
                   cmbPun.SelectedIndex = Single.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("PunishValue"))
                   cmbBan.SelectedIndex = Single.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("BanSetValue"))
               ElseIf reader.Name = "Options" Then
                   CFNick.Text = reader.GetAttribute("NickName")
                   txtpun.Text = reader.GetAttribute("PunishTime")
                   txtban.Text = reader.GetAttribute("BanSettings")
               End If
           End If
       End While

Anybody looking for a graduate programmer (Midlands, England)?

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