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I have a customer application that has NUMEROUS dropdown lists.


Most behave properly - i.e., when the list is longer than the screen, the list continues off the bottom of the screen instead of stopping and displaying a scroll bar.


In some cases, there is a scroll bar, but it still goes off the bottom of the screen.


I have adjusted the height and font size of this dropdown list, for use on a touch-screen kiosk, and this may have something to do with it.


How do I correct this erroneous behavior?





The three most important things in life: God, your family, and the Green Bay Packers -- Not necessarily in that order.

Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

-- Vincent T. Lombardi
Does this occur with a specific browser or with any browser?
I have tried it with IE (versions 5 and 6) and get that behavior. Mozilla has other issues, and is considered incompatible.


If you mean have I had this problem on all workstations, the customer is testing that, but has not yet found a machine that it works on.



The three most important things in life: God, your family, and the Green Bay Packers -- Not necessarily in that order.

Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

-- Vincent T. Lombardi
Sounds odd. How are you generating the list? Also what does the rendered HTML for the list look like?
Here's the Rendered HTML:


 <asp:dropdownlist id="drpWorkcenter" style="Z-INDEX: 116; LEFT: 48px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 224px"
  runat="server" Font-Names="Arial Narrow" Font-Size="X-Large" Width="488px" Height="48px" Visible="False"


Here's the code that loads the list:


[font=Courier New]  Private Sub LoadWorkcenterList()
  ' Procedure to load the Workcenter Dropdown list based on the Cost Center selected
  Dim MyCommand As New SqlCommand
  Dim CommandText As String

  ' Query the Database for all Workcenters that are under the Selected Cost Center
  CommandText = "SELECT WorkcenterNumber, WorkcenterName " & _
				  "FROM dbo.WorkcenterList " & _
				 "WHERE CostCenter = '" & Session("CostCenter") & "' " & _
  			  "ORDER BY WorkcenterNumber"
  MyCommand = New SqlCommand(CommandText, SqlConnection2)
  Dim WorkCenterData As SqlDataReader =  MyCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

  drpWorkcenter.Items.Add("Choose your Workcenter")

  While WorkCenterData.Read()
 	drpWorkcenter.Items.Add(WorkCenterData.GetValue(0) & " - " & WorkCenterData.GetValue(1))
  End While

    lblWorkcenter.Visible = True
    drpWorkcenter.Visible = True

  End Sub


It's not bound, but loaded at run-time, as the list can change at any time from another page in the site.





The three most important things in life: God, your family, and the Green Bay Packers -- Not necessarily in that order.

Winning is not a sometime thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

-- Vincent T. Lombardi

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