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I'm trying to create dynamic hyperlinks but it doesn't work properly. I've searched the net but can't find anything similar to what I'm trying to do...


The code should print a hyperlink per company that the user has permission to, ie if user has permission to three companies there should be three hyperlinks, one for each company. I only get 1 no mather how many I have permissions to! It seems it can't handle more than one link?


First I tried to create the hyperlink in the code behind


aspx page

<asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server"></asp:Label>



code behind page

        Dim vDataTable As DataTable = Permissions.GetPermission(UserId)
       Dim vRow As DataRow
       If vDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
           Dim s As String = ""
           For Each vRow In vDataTable.Rows
               s = s & "<br><asp:hyperlink NavigateUrl='Page.aspx?company=' & vRow.Item(2) Text='" & vRow.Item(2) & "' runat='server'></asp:HyperLink>"
           lblCompany.Text = s
       End If



And since that didn't work I tried this


aspx page

<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkCompany" runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>



code behind page

      Dim vDataTable As DataTable = Permissions.GetPermission(UserId)
       Dim vRow As DataRow
       If vDataTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
           For Each vRow In vDataTable.Rows
               lnkCompany.Text = vRow.Item(2)
               lnkCompany.NavigateUrl = "Page.aspx?company=" & vRow.Item(2)
       End If


Needless to say that neither of them works, otherwise I wouldn't be turning to you guys :-\

How do I go about to get a link for every "vRow" in the datatable?!?


I do not think that you can simply build up a server control declaration like that and then set it into the text for a label. It is not going to be ran through the preprocessor and therefore will not get translated into HTML.


Assume you have a div on your form:

<div id="divLinks" runat="server"></div>

From there, just do the following:

HyperLink link;

Literal literal;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
   link = new HyperLink();
   link.Text = "Link_" + i;
   link.NavigateUrl = "test.aspx?company=" + i;

   literal = new Literal();
   literal.Text = "<br>";


(This is C# obviously, but you get the idea. Just declare instances of the server controls instead.)

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