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I'm trying to enable the Service Broker for Sql Server 2005 because I want to be able to use a SqlDependency object.


I ran the following query to see if my local sql server service broker was enabled:

SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'dbname';


It came back with a value of 0 (which means it is not enabled).


I tried executing the following sql command to enable it:



The query has been running for over 5 mins and just keeps spinning (should it take this long to enable the Service brfoker), so I cancel it.


I even try to issue the command to see if the service broker is enabled after I cancel the query and it is not enabled.


How can I properly enable the Service Broker?



Bill Yeager (MCP, BCIP)

Microsoft Certified Professional

Brainbench Certified Internet Professional, .Net Programmer, Computer Programmer

YeagerTech Consulting, Inc.

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