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How would I go about converting a string to a date: I have this


Dim Dat as DateTime

Dat = Date.FromOADate(6/03/06)


but this always returns 8:00:00AM

how do I get it to return 6/03/06 as a date I am doing this because I want to be able to add one day onto this value, I also do not know how to do that. Any suggestions? Thanks

  • Leaders

My goodness, gracious, great balls of fire.


VB also has support for DataTime literals if that helps. Instead of quotes you can use number signs...

Dim TheThirtyFirstOfMayInNineteenNinetyThree As DateTime = [color=Red]#5/31/1993#[/color]

And just to point out...

Posts should be posted in the proper forum[/Quote]

A post like this, which really has nothing to do with ASP.NET should really go in the general section. Also, it would do you a lot of good to check the object browser, intellisense, MSDN, or do a quick google before posting here so that you don't find yourself answering your own questions this way on a public forum.


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