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Please forgive me for what could bee the noob question of the year...


Normally I use VB.NET, but fooling around with C# today, I couldn't even get to first base. I attempted the following code:

           static void Run


But the compiler complained about the MessageBox.Show call, complaining that:

A get or set accessor expected
(See the screen shot below.)


Can anyone tell me what ridiculously simple thing I am missing here?


Thanks in advance!


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This is a function

static void Run


This is a method:

static void Run()


For your function though... It would require a valid type.



public int Age
  get { return m_Age; }
  set { m_Age = value; }

"If someone say : "Die mortal !"... don't stay to see if he isn't." - Unknown

"Learning to program is like going out with a new girl friend. There's always something that wasn't mentioned in the documentation..." - Me

"A drunk girl is like an animal... it scream at everything like a cat and roll in the grass like a dog." - Me after seeing my girlfriend drunk and some of her drunk friend.


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The parentheses make the difference between a function/property, i.e.

public int Function(){

public int Property{

In a property, you provide two (or at least one) accessor functions name get and set (very similar to VB).

int _Property
public int Property{
   get {
       return _Property;
   set {
       _Property = value;

You can omit one or the other to make read-only or write-only properties.


VB is very lax with parentheses and always adds them for you when you forget them. If you keep using C# you will notice lots of places where VB throws things in or auto-corrects for you that C# doesn't (usually because it can't, for example, adding parentheses for you will turn a property into a function).


Ah, ok, thank you guys, I really appreciate it!


Funny place for it to put the red-squigly-underline, though. It gives every impression that my call to MessageBox.Show() was invalid, whereas it really should be underlining the word 'Run', I would think, no?


Anyway, squigly-gripes aside, I thank you both for your exceptionally clear explanations. :)


-- Mike

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