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I can get my httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse to work find for most sites but have stumbled accross a site that the cookies give me an error when it called that ccContainer.SetCookies below.


If I output the cookie before it tried to call .SetCookies I get the following:


storenameid=xxxxx;Domain=www.storenamedomain.com;Expires=Wed, 03-May-2006 07:07:46 GMT;Path=/

storenametypes=DOC~RAT;Domain=www.storenamedomain.com;Expires=Wed, 03-May-2006 07:07:46 GMT;Path=/

storenameuserinfo=REALNAME>FIRSTNAME LASTLAST~COMPANYNAME>ACTUAL COMPANY NAME HERE;Domain=www.storenamedomain.com;Expires=Wed, 03-May-2006 07:07:46 GMT;Path=/


I believe it has something to do with either the ';' or the , in the Expires section of each line.


Has anyone encountered this before?


           m_hwrResponse = DirectCast(m_hwrRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

           srReader = New StreamReader(m_hwrResponse.GetResponseStream())
           sReturn = srReader.ReadToEnd()

           If Not m_hwrResponse.Headers("Set-Cookie") Is Nothing Then
               txtOutput.Text = m_hwrResponse.Headers("Set-Cookie").ToString
               Dim ccContainer As New CookieContainer()

               ccContainer = New CookieContainer()
               ccContainer.SetCookies(m_hwrResponse.ResponseUri, m_hwrResponse.Headers("Set-Cookie"))
           End If

           Me.Referer = m_hwrResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri


The returned err.Messege is:

An error has occured when parsing Cookie header for Uri 'url is provided'


Any thoughts?

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