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Saw a post long time ago, but searched google & here, and cant seem to find.


There was a way of typing text into the header (or other portion of the image file) . Anyone have a link or know how to do this?


Is there any disadvantage to it, ie some browsers then wont display the image? Limit on text length? others?



  • Leaders
What sort of image and what is the purpose of the text? Jpegs have support for metadata, but I don't know the specifics. Gifs, I don't know about. Bmps I don't think so. PNGs, I have no idea. You can append text after image data, at the end of an image file, and most software will still load the image all right and ignore the extraneous data, but there is never a guarantee in that case. In any case, I don't think that opening an image file in notepad and adding text is a good idea. A lot of image formats have all kinds of offsets stored in them and if you add/remove data, these offsets change, and if you don't update the offsets bad things happen.

Trying to record details of what the photo is (who, when, where etc).


I could create a database, however if these photo's move directories then it's hard to keep track of.


I would like to explore this option if anyone can assist me.


p.s. i have viewed a few jpegs, and the end seems to be denoted by 'ÿÙ'. Can i just use this ? anything before this is image, anything after is text?



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