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I'm wondering if anybody here knows of a forum like this one; except for networking type problems rather than programming ones.



Please use the [vb]/[cs] tags on posted code.

Please post solutions you find somewhere else.

Follow me on Twitter here.


I have used the BroadBand Forums when I was searching for specific answers about my home DSL matters.


The only forum where I have seen a networking area is actually on the Linux Forums site, where networking both between Linux systems and Windows systems is covered.


I did a quick search on Google for the keywords networking forums and a lot of hits came up, so you might want to give that a try and see if any of the results returned provide what you are after.


Hope that helps

Ira Richard Smith



I was mostly looking for a forum someone has used and knows there are smart people on it; not a load of ten yearolds with nothing better to do than start flame wars.


I didn't think of broadband reports; but I have had good results there in the past.



Please use the [vb]/[cs] tags on posted code.

Please post solutions you find somewhere else.

Follow me on Twitter here.




If you happen to find a network specific forum would appreciate its location being posted here for future reference.


I haven't gotten into networking too much myself in the past, however, as I branch out and work on more complex tasks, such as Internet based applications, the need for networking knowledge and assistance is growing as well.

Ira Richard Smith


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