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I have a set of data returning from a stored proc that needs to be deserialized to a generic collection, and I'm stumped.


the xml is of the form

 <Country countrycode="" countryname="">
 <Country countrycode="" countryname="">


the class looks like this

   public class Country
       string _code;
       string _name;

       public Country()
           _code = String.Empty;
           _name = String.Empty;
       public Country( string CountryCode, string CountryName )
           _code = CountryCode;
           _name = CountryName;

       public string CountryCode
           get { return _code; }
           set { _code = value; }

       public string CountryName
           get { return _name; }
           set { _name = value; }


now I can deserialize a single object correctly to a class but with a generic collection the code doesn't work, i get a "<Countries xmlns=''> was not expected." error.


Any ideas? Of course I could load the xmlDocument and go throw each Country element in a loop and serialized them one by one while adding them to a generic collection but that kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it? :rolleyes:


Edit: forgot deserialization code

     public static T DeserializeObject<T>(string targetXml)
           XmlSerializer s = null;
           StringReader sr = null;
           XmlTextReader xtr = null;
               sr = new StringReader(targetXml);
               xtr = new XmlTextReader(sr);
               s = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

               if (s.CanDeserialize(xtr))
                   return (T)s.Deserialize(xtr);
                   throw new Exception();
           catch (Exception ex)
               throw ex;
               s = null;
               if (sr != null)
               sr = null;
               if (xtr != null)
               xtr = null;

Edited by DimkaNewtown

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