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I found this article on MySQL written by Mike Hillyer;



Under the topic "Connection Object" Mike states:

Connection Object


Now that we have a connection string, we can connect to the database, first I will give a sample of how I connect.


Dim conn As ADODB.Connection

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection

conn.ConnectionString = GloConnectionString

conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient



In the first line we create an ADODB connection object in memory and in the second line we instanciate it. The alternative syntax to this is to type Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection


While I previously recommended the 'as New' syntax, I have since learned that it slows down your code since it must check if the object is instanciated every time a reference is made to the object.


This article is discussing VB6; I interperet this to mean ALL objects instanciated in the declaration will feel this performance hit.


But I'm curious, does anyone know if this has been fixed in VB.Net, and if so, is it all versions or only after certain years, such as fixed in 2003 but not 2002?

Edited by alreadyused

Yes, thankfully this is fixed in VB.NET

Really dumb design in the first place, but then again that "performance hit" is pretty inconsequential.


The lines:

Dim o As New c
Dim o As c = New c

are the same.

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