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I placed the scrip from web page Custom Control - KeySortDropDownList)

to my project ContactSearch.ascx.cs



1. namespace vestinside.Controls

2. {

3. using System;

4. using System.Data;

5. using System.Drawing;

6. using System.Web;

7. using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

8. using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

9. using vestinside.DB;

10. using vestinside.Library;


12.namespace Thycotic.Web.UI.WebControls


14.public class KeySortDropDownList : DropDownList




After compiling I got the following error:

O:\localhost\Controls\ContactSearch.ascx.cs(12): Cannot use qualified namespace names in nested namespace declarations


Projekt: ASP.net C#


How to eliminate this error? Maybe I paste to bad place?


Posted (edited)

How to make the script working?


When I delete namespace Thycotic.Web.UI.WebControls, the error has gone, but when I type to Dropdownlist 'ae' , I got in the first in the list 'a...' and then 'e...', but not 'ae....'"


How to make the script working?


namespace vestinside.Controls
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using vestinside.DB;
using vestinside.Library;

public class KeySortDropDownList : DropDownList
		private readonly static string functionName = "KeySortDropDownList_onkeypress";
		private bool _caseSensitiveKeySort = false;

		public virtual bool CaseSensitiveKeySort 
				return _caseSensitiveKeySort;
				_caseSensitiveKeySort = value;

		protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) 
			base.OnLoad(e);// call the base class method
			// define the client-side script
			string script = @"
<script language=""javascript"" type=""text/javascript"">
function " + functionName + @"(dropdownlist,caseSensitive) {
 // check the keypressBuffer attribute is defined on the dropdownlist 
 var undefined; 
 if (dropdownlist.keypressBuffer == undefined) { 
   dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = ''; 
 // get the key that was pressed 
 var key = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode); 
 dropdownlist.keypressBuffer += key;
 if (!caseSensitive) {
   // convert buffer to lowercase
   dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = dropdownlist.keypressBuffer.toLowerCase();
 // find if it is the start of any of the options 
 var optionsLength = dropdownlist.options.length; 
 for (var n=0; n < optionsLength; n++) { 
   var optionText = dropdownlist.options[n].text; 
   if (!caseSensitive) {
     optionText = optionText.toLowerCase();
   if (optionText.indexOf(dropdownlist.keypressBuffer,0) == 0) { 
     dropdownlist.selectedIndex = n; 
     return false; // cancel the default behavior since 
                   // we have selected our own value 
 // reset initial key to be inline with default behavior 
 dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = key; 
 return true; // give default behavior 
			// register the client-side script block
			// add to the onkeypress event
			this.Attributes.Add("onkeypress","return " + functionName 
				+ "(this," + _caseSensitiveKeySort.ToString().ToLower() + ")");

Edited by Rea

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