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Why do you guys use third party bb software for the site;

Instead of just creating your own, like in ASP.NET??


IMHO- php is nothing but a bunch of hacks glued together...



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kurf, you don't seem to understand the point of these forums. They aren't here so that you can complain about them (or did you just discover the "Suggestions, Bugs, and Comments forum"). If you have a question about programming (that satisfies the posting guidelines) we will all be glad to help.


I can't see anyone writing new message board software for these forums when there is already so much out there. Should we re-invent the wheel because you are particularly fond of ASP.NET? Regardless of your opinion, PHP and vBulletin seem to be getting the job done for everyone else. If it bugs you that much, feel free to write your own ASP.NET based programming forums.


You need to embrace the buy don't build philosophy. How long do you think it would take for you to create a BB in asp.net that would offer as much functionality as you get right now? It's simple math. If it takes 1 month at $15.00/hr (becuase you're an intern or something) that'll cost $2400. Meanwhile you can use phpBB2 (or others) for free ($0), they actually work (becuase whatever you write will have only been around for a month, other boards have been worked on for years), and it's available right now (not a month, oh wait, two months becuase of unforseen difficulties). Even if it did cost money, it's bound to be less that $2500.


It's just not economical to write a home grown solution when there are solid solutions already available.

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