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Hiii there,


I have never programmed a windows app which uses a db system. I'm a php + mySQL developer and I currently have a database on mySQL. I just wanna use this db using a C# program. Please give me the starting key for that.




Here is my procedure for connecting to mysql:



	internal void mySQL()
		string mySQLString = "DRIVER={MySQL};DATABASE=system;";
		mySQLString += "SERVER=localhost;";
		mySQLString += "UID=root;PWD=1234;";
		System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection myDb = new OdbcConnection(mySQLString);
		catch (System.Exception E)


while I get the following exception:


ERROR [iM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


Did you download the ODBC Driver from MySQL?


This is the connection I use in VB.Net


          Dim sDSN As String
           Dim dt As New DataTable
           Dim da As OdbcDataAdapter
           Dim oConn As OdbcConnection
           Dim cmd As New OdbcCommand

           'build the connection with parameters
           sDSN = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=<Server Name>;DATABASE=<Database Name>;UID=root;PASSWORD=;OPTION=3"
               'connect to the inherent MySQL connection
               oConn = New OdbcConnection(sDSN)
               cmd.CommandText = sSql
               cmd.Connection = oConn
               cmd.CommandTimeout = 0                  'allow for the timeout problem
               da = New OdbcDataAdapter(cmd)
           Catch ex As Exception
               dt = Nothing
               Return dt
           End Try

           Return dt

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