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I have a really quick routine for finding next file to read, but I thought it would be great to have it running in the background and restart it when it's needed.


I tried to create the thread in the constructor and call it for the first time from there.

       _trdFindNextFile = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf FindNextFile)

And when I need it again I tried


   Private Sub FindNextFile()
       Trace.WriteLineIf(trcMainTrace.Info, "Looking for next log file", "cReadDemo.FindNextFile")
       _NextFile = _File
   End Sub


But I get an error telling me the thread is either running or stopped and can't be restarted :(


It's obviously not running, how should I restart it?!?





You can only call Start once. I would make FindNextFile go in an infinite loop, but use a WaitHandle to be more efficient with cpu usage.


I don't know vb, so my example isn't the best.

Public Sub LookForNext()
End Sub

Private Sub FindNextFile()
   While True
       If _waitHandle.WaitOne() Then
           Trace.WriteLineIf(trcMainTrace.Info, "Looking for next log file", "cReadDemo.FindNextFile")
           _NextFile = _File
       End If
   End While
End Sub


You would start your thread like normal, but instead of making more calls to Thread.Start, use the method LookForNext.

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