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Asp.net webUserControl with dropdowns, textboxes, and a datagrid. Using the ddls and txt to have a user specify certain attributes (country, product name, etc), and then populating a datagrid with the desired results.




Once the grid is filled with records, and a record is clicked (hyperlink column) the page posts back. The datagrid is no longer visible (possible: databindings are cleared on postback???) and the textboxes and ddl's above no longer have their original information in them.




be able to click on a datagrid item and have that items details displayed on the page. also, to NOT have the ddl's and textboxes cleared, so as to allow a user to quickly change one of the values in a ddl for example, and to re-do the search.


also required:


the results not be displayed on a separate details page, as the sorting page with the datagrid will still lose the information.


attempted to find:


a solution online that would use some sort of javascript, so as to avoid the postback problem. also, attempted to have the dataNavigateURLFormatString post back to a) a user control (nope) or b) use the target = _self attrib.


I thank all for their time in advance, and look forward to any assistance. also, for additional incentive, I could send you an action filled picture of me drinking coffee. Holy caffeine fueled coding, Batman!!!

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