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:-\ I have the following with an ado.net routine called.

Public Sub DoModify()
       Dim bm As BindingManagerBase = Me.DataGrid1.BindingContext(Me.DataGrid1.DataSource, Me.DataGrid1.DataMember)
       Dim dr As DataRow = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row
       Dim editform As New EditTransOverride(dr)
       oldPolicyNumber = dr.Item(1)
       oldTransCode = dr.Item(2)
       oldTransEffDate = dr.Item(3)

       Dim retval As DialogResult = editform.ShowDialog()
       If retval = DialogResult.OK Then
               Dim substr As String = dr.Item(4)
               If substr Is System.DBNull.Value Then
                   substr = ""
               End If
               If Not substr = "" Then
                   substr = substr.Substring(0, 2)
               End If
               ExecOnTransOverride.upd(dr.Item(1), dr.Item(2), dr.Item(3), substr, dr.Item(5), _
               dr.Item(6), dr.Item(8), dr.Item(7), DateTime.Now, dr.Item(7), _ 
               dr.Item(9), oldPolicyNumber, oldTransCode, oldTransEffDate)
               SqlDataAdapter1.Update(ds, "DsTransOverride1")
               MsgBox("Data Inserted Successfully !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Me.Text)
           Catch se As SqlException
           Catch ex As Exception
           End Try
       End If
   End Sub

Now I would like to update the datagrid with the use of the

  SqlDataAdapter1.Update(ds, "DsTransOverride1")

and use my ado.net routine since I tested it and it works and updates the database.

The only thing I need to do in the above routine is to update the datagrid. How do I go about doing this?

Edited by PlausiblyDamp

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