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Capture the Screen in VB.NET

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Guest afrinspray

Does anyone know how to get a screen capture in vb.net? I actually want to print an MDI form...




  • 10 months later...

Have a play round with this code


Option Explicit On

Option Strict On


' PrintForm Class


' Purpose: Print active window


' Dependencies:


' Author: Øyvind Rustan - Compositae, 27.05.2002

' http://www.compositae.no

' Revision:




Imports System.Windows

Imports System.Drawing


Public Class PrintForm


' New

' Constructor


Public Sub New()

End Sub



' Print

' Print active window (form)


Public Sub Print()


'-- Keys Alt+PrintScreen copies active window to clipboard


'-- Create print document and printing handler

Dim pd As New Printing.PrintDocument()

AddHandler pd.PrintPage, AddressOf pd_PrintPage

'-- Setup document

pd.DocumentName = "PrintScreen"

With pd.DefaultPageSettings

.Landscape = False

'-- Reduce margins to accomodate larger pictures

.Margins.Left -= .Margins.Left \ 3

.Margins.Top -= .Margins.Top \ 3

.Margins.Right -= .Margins.Right \ 3

.Margins.Bottom -= .Margins.Bottom \ 3

End With

'-- Print document


Catch ex As Exception

Throw ex

End Try

End Sub



' pd_PrintPage

' PrintPage handler


Private Sub pd_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)


'-- Get PrintScreen bitmap from clipboard

Dim iData As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject()

If iData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap) Then

Dim bm As Bitmap = CType(iData.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap), Bitmap)

'-- Set size of destination rectangle (printer)

Dim rDest As New RectangleF(ev.MarginBounds.Left, ev.MarginBounds.Top, 0, 0)

If bm.Width < ev.MarginBounds.Width Then

'-- Set to bitmap size if bitmap is smaller than paper

rDest.Width = bm.Width

rDest.Height = bm.Height


'-- Set to paper size if bitmap is larger than paper

'-- Scale height to retain proportions

rDest.Width = ev.MarginBounds.Width

rDest.Height = CType(rDest.Width * (bm.Height / bm.Width), Single)

End If

'-- Draw bitmap

ev.Graphics.DrawImage(bm, rDest, bm.GetBounds(GraphicsUnit.Pixel), GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

'-- Draw timestamp

Dim printFont As Font = New Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular)

ev.Graphics.DrawString(Now.ToString, printFont, Brushes.Black, rDest.Left, rDest.Top + rDest.Height + printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics))


'-- No bitmap, cancel printing

ev.Cancel = True

End If

Catch ex As Exception

'-- Cancel printing

ev.Cancel = True

Throw ex


'-- Print only on page

ev.HasMorePages = False

End Try

End Sub

End Class

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