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I have two classes:


Friend Class clsItem
  Public Sub New(ByVal objId As Object, Optional ByVal objNr As Object = Nothing, _
     Optional ByVal objCode As Object = Nothing, Optional ByVal objDesc As Object = Nothing)
        Id = objId
        Nr = objNr
        Code = objCode
        Desc = objDesc
     Catch ex As Exception
     End Try
  End Sub

  Private mobjId As Object
  Public Property Id() As Object
        Return mobjId
     End Get
     Set(ByVal Value As Object)
        mobjId = Value
     End Set
  End Property

  Private mobjNr As Object
  Public Property Nr() As Object
        Return mobjNr
     End Get
     Set(ByVal Value As Object)
        mobjNr = Value
     End Set
  End Property

  Private mobjCode As Object
  Public Property Code() As Object
        Return mobjCode
     End Get
     Set(ByVal Value As Object)
        mobjCode = Value
     End Set
  End Property

  Private mobjDesc As Object
  Public Property Desc() As Object
        Return mobjDesc
     End Get
     Set(ByVal Value As Object)
        mobjDesc = Value
     End Set
  End Property
End Class


Friend Class clsItemCol
  Inherits CollectionBase

  Public ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As clsItem
        Return CType(MyBase.List(index), clsItem)
     End Get
  End Property

  Public Sub Add(ByVal item As clsItem)
  End Sub

  Public Sub Remove(ByVal item As clsItem)
  End Sub
End Class


This is supposed to be used as collections, to fill some combos with specific values.


Recently I verified that filling the collection is taking too long, and I dont know why. I'm doing something like:


Dim colData As clsItemCol
colData = New clsItemCol

colData.Add(New clsItem(1, 3, "Item3", "Description3")


Does anyone have an idea, or some other way of doing this??


  • Administrators

How long is

too long


One thing you might want to do to speed things up is look at using a HashTable rather than a collection.

Also is there a reason why you have declared just about every single data type as object rather than the actual data type of the values you want to store?

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Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

-- Albert Einstein


Sometimes it is taking more than 2 seconds to fill a collection with 10 items, for example.


I declared everything as object because this is a 'generic colecction' wich i'll use many times, to different variable types. Do U think this can be a cause?


How do I use an HashTable? I'm new at Vb.Net and I never heard about it :rolleyes:

  • *Experts*

If your goal is to fill a ComboBox, I would generally use an ArrayList to hold my collection of custom objects.


Still, 2 seconds is far too long. Is this confirmed with some kind of timing code? Also make sure you use Release Mode as your guide, Debug mode may take extra long sometimes. Also it would be nice if even your custom object could make some kind of assumption like an item has only an ID and Text property with maybe an optional "object" property to store more data.


I've filled combos with literally thousands of custom classes (I wouldn't do it again - thousands is too many) and it always took less than 2 seconds. My class was a custom object with an Integer ID and a string Text property. I generally loop through a DataSet and create objects on the fly, filling an ArrayList that will get bound.



"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." - Kurt Vonnegut

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