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Counting Need help figuring whats wrong with this code

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Here is some code I wrote earlier today....


It opens a text file loads it into an Array


then I am counting number of chapters and number of verses in each chapter then displaying it in an rtb.


However, I am getting a repeating of of this for example over and over


this specific chapter chapter 1 has 10 verses its displaying like this in my rtb






repeating the above numerous times LOL


I know I am missing something simple ... but for the life of me I am not seeing why this wont work

Dim frPath As String
       Dim ReadString As String
       Dim myText As String
       Dim cntArr() As String
       frPath = "C:\Program Files\Dove Media\DoveSearch\" & fileListBox.SelectedItem
       Dim rFile As StreamReader
           If File.Exists(frPath) Then
               rFile = File.OpenText(frPath)
               ReadString = rFile.ReadToEnd()
           End If
           'rtbText.Text = ReadString
           myText = ReadString
           cntArr = Split(ReadString, vbCrLf)
       End Try
       Dim x As Integer = 1
       Dim intChp As Integer
       Dim intVrs As Integer
       Dim counter As Integer
       For Each itm As String In cntArr
           If itm.StartsWith(x) Then
               counter = counter + 1
               intVrs = counter
               displayText.Text = x & "-" & intVrs
               displayText.Text = displayText.Text & vbCrLf & x & "-" & intVrs
           End If


Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition!



Thought I might add to my above post.....


What I am counting to get the verses is the number of ones or twos or threes ect ect ect the chapter numbers as my text looks like this


1:1: Text

1:2: Text

1:3: Text

2:1: Text

2:2: Text

2:3: Text

2:4: Text

3:1: Text

3:2: Text

and so on and on


By counting the number of ones I have the exact number of verses for chapter one


I have updated my code I am getting mixed results but not what I need so


I am hoping someone might know how I should count this thing




Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition!

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