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I press down 'S' on the keyboard, and the character still sits at the same previous position. Why is this?


#region Using Clauses
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;  
using Microsoft.DirectX; 
using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput; 

namespace MDX_Application
   public partial class Form1 : Form
       private Device device = null;  // DirectInput device
       private bool running = true;   // Game loop control variable.
       Common PC;

       public Form1()

           // Make a simple player object.
           PC = new Common(50, 50);
           PC.img = Image.FromFile("C1_Stand.png"); 

           // Set the window style.
           this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

       protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
           running = false;

       protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
           Graphics g = e.Graphics;

           // Draw Player to the Screen
           g.DrawImage(PC.img, PC.x, PC.y); 


       public void InitializeInput()
           device = new Device(SystemGuid.Keyboard);
           device.SetCooperativeLevel(this, CooperativeLevelFlags.Background |

           while (running)

       private void UpdateInputState()
           foreach (Key k in device.GetPressedKeys())
               if (k == Key.S) { PC.y += 10; }

   class Common
       public Image img = null;
       public int x, y;

       public Common(int x, int y)
           this.x = x;
           this.y = y;

You might want to see this thread http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=93639. I know that code works because I am using it in a project I'm working on. It gets the input in a different way. I don't know which is more effecient, but that example works.



Please use the [vb]/[cs] tags on posted code.

Please post solutions you find somewhere else.

Follow me on Twitter here.

You might want to see this thread http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=93639. I know that code works because I am using it in a project I'm working on. It gets the input in a different way. I don't know which is more effecient' date=' but that example works.[/quote']


Thanks for the input; however, I dramatically changed my code after learning how to apply 3d to 2d. For the input, I was able to do this...


       // Call this before showing form. 
       public void InitializeInput()
           // Create our keyboard device
           deviceInput = new Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Device(SystemGuid.Keyboard);
           deviceInput.SetCooperativeLevel(this, CooperativeLevelFlags.Background | CooperativeLevelFlags.NonExclusive);

       // Game loop method
       private void UpdateInputState()
           KeyboardState state = deviceInput.GetCurrentKeyboardState();

           if (state[Key.Escape])
           if (state[Key.S])
               PC.Y += 10;
           if (state[Key.W])
               PC.Y -= 10;
           if (state[Key.A])
               PC.X -= 10;
           if (state[Key.D])
               PC.X += 10; 

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