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I have quite a big piece of html that I need to change for clarity, some rows in the table needs high lightning and I thought I'd use som regex for that but from what I understand newlines mock things up...


The pattern is....

a multiline string starting with <tr> and ending with </tr> containing PÅMINN or PÅMINN

should be replaced with

<tr class="highlight"> the complete string up to the ending </tr>







should be....

<tr class="highlight">









I have quite a big piece of html that I need to change for clarity, some rows in the table needs high lightning and I thought I'd use som regex for that but from what I understand newlines mock things up...


The pattern is....

a multiline string starting with <tr> and ending with </tr> containing PÅMINN or PÅMINN

should be replaced with

<tr class="highlight"> the complete string up to the ending </tr>


should be....





Quick and dirty so optimize if you like. I did test the code so I know it works but I haven't done any extensive unit testing ;)


Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText("c:\test.html")
       Dim keyword As String = "PÅMINN"
       Dim findText As String = "<tr>"
       Dim rplText As String = "<tr class='highlight'>"

       If Not IsNothing(sr) Then
           Dim html As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
           Dim newHtml As String = String.Empty
           Dim firstRowPos As Integer = 0
           Dim lastRowPos As Integer = 0
           Dim rowInstance As String = String.Empty

           If html <> String.Empty Then
               Dim pos As Integer = 1

               Do While pos < html.Length
                   'Get row
                   firstRowPos = InStr(pos, html, "<tr>", CompareMethod.Text)
                   lastRowPos = InStr(pos, html, "</tr>", CompareMethod.Text)

                   'Add for tag length since instr returns first char position
                   If lastRowPos <> 0 Then
                       lastRowPos += Len("</tr>")
                   End If

                   'If no more instances of a row
                   If firstRowPos = 0 Then
                       'Get the rest of the file
                       newHtml &= Trim(Mid(html, pos, html.Length - pos))
                       Exit Do
                   End If

                   'If file doesn't begin with "<tr>" then grab everything before the first instance of "<tr>"
                   If firstRowPos <> 0 And pos = 1 Then
                       newHtml = Mid(html, 1, firstRowPos - 1)
                   End If

                   'Get the instance of the row
                   rowInstance = Trim(Mid(html, firstRowPos, lastRowPos - firstRowPos))

                   'Replace if keyword found in row
                   If InStr(pos, rowInstance, keyword, CompareMethod.Text) <> 0 Then
                       newHtml &= rowInstance.Replace(findText, rplText)
                       newHtml &= rowInstance
                   End If
                   pos = lastRowPos + 1

               'Save file
               Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("C:\test.html")
               sw.AutoFlush = True
           End If
       End If


Thanx IngisKahn,

it looks like it's going to fit....

Not so used to RegEx in VS (just used it with Perl & PHP) but I will make a go for it and promise to be back if I don't make it ;)




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