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Any way to get the hex code of the color from the ColorDialog?


My code:

codebox.SelectedText = "<font color='" + ColorDialog.Color + "'>" + codebox.SelectedText + "</font>"

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codebox.SelectedText = "<font color='" + ColorDialog.Color.ToKnownColor.ToString + "'>" + codebox.SelectedText + "</font>"


The only problem is if the user selects a funky color, you'll get a "0". There's probably a solution for that though. :)

Here's what I'm up to.
Scrappy as hell ;) put seemed to work



I really, really hope there is a better and cleaner way than that though ;)

Do i have to do that for every color?


Here is my new code:


Dim text As String
       FontDialog.ShowColor = True
       If FontDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
           text = "<font style='font-size:" + FontDialog.Font.Size.ToString + "px;' face='" + FontDialog.Font.FontFamily.Name + "' color='" + FontDialog.Color.ToKnownColor.ToString + "'>" + codebox.SelectedText + "</font>"
           If FontDialog.Font.Underline = True Then
               text = "<u>" + text + "</u>"
           End If
           If FontDialog.Font.Italic = True Then
               text = "<i>" + text + "</i>"
           End If
           If FontDialog.Font.Bold = True Then
               text = "<strong>" + text + "</strong>"
           End If
           If FontDialog.Font.Strikeout = True Then
               text = "<s>" + text + "</s>"
           End If
           codebox.SelectedText = text
       End If

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