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I have some code that says something like:



ListView lv = ...;

foreach (piece of data)
if (an appropriate row already exists)
item = lv.Items.Add("blah");



This used to work as expected in .NET 1.0/1.1. However, since I installed 2.0 Beta 2, the 'if' part never runs; every iteration always inserts a new row, even if I've actually already inserted the specified row.


Surely, BeginUpdate/EndUpdate should only affect what's displayed, not what actually gets inserted into the ListView? Is this a bug?


Cheers. :)

Since you've only posted pseudo-code it's hard to tell where the problem is.


Sorry, I thought that would be enough to describe the problem. Here's a "compilable snippet":


using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class ListViewTest : Form
   static void Main()
       Application.Run(new ListViewTest());

       m_Grid.View = View.Details;
       m_Grid.Size = ClientSize;


   private void PopulateGrid()
       m_Grid.Columns.Add("Col", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

       foreach (string str in m_Data)
           ListViewItem item = null;

           foreach (ListViewItem lvi in m_Grid.Items)
               if (lvi.Text == str)
                   item = lvi;

           if (item == null)
               item = m_Grid.Items.Add(str);


   private string[] m_Data = {"one", "two", "one", "three"};
   private readonly ListView m_Grid = new ListView();


Compile this with the .NET Framework 1.x with or without PAUSE_UPDATE defined, and you get a list containing just "one, two, three".


Compile it for the .NET Framework 2.0 without PAUSE_UPDATE defined, and you still get "one, two, three".


But compile it for the .NET Framework 2.0 with PAUSE_UPDATE defined, and you get "one, two, one, three"!


(Obviously, in the case of this snippet, a workaround would be to search the array for duplicates; but my actual app does more than this and doesn't use an array, so my only workaround right now is just to not use BeginUpdate/EndUpdate.)

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