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Is there a way to copy all files of a certain type from one folder to another without using loads of code with a loop?







My website

Well, it wouldn't be loads of code, but it would be a loop. You're only looking at about a half-dozen lines. Assuming you have a FolderBrowserDialog called fbd:

       If fbd.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then

           Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(fbd.SelectedPath)

           Dim files() As FileInfo = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.jpg")
           Dim fInfo As FileInfo
           Dim newPath As String

           'set newpath before this
           For Each fInfo In files
               File.Copy(fInfo.Name, newPath & "\\" & fInfo.Name)
           Next fInfo

       End If

Air-coded so there might be a bug in there, but you should get the idea. :)

Here's what I'm up to.
  • Leaders

you could always use the SHFileOperation API mate http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif you can specify wildcards ( eg: *.jpg , *.bmp , *.whatever ) to allow only certain files to be copied / moved / deleted.


here's a quick example...

	Public hWnd As Integer
	Public wFunc As Integer
	Public pFrom As String
	Public pTo As String
	Public fFlags As Integer
	Public fAborted As Integer
	Public hNameMaps As Integer
	Public sProgress As String
End Structure

Private Declare Function SHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHFileOperationA" (ByRef lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Integer
Private Const FO_COPY As Int32 = &H2
Private Const FO_DELETE As Int32 = &H3
Private Const FO_MOVE As Int32 = &H1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

	Dim shStructure As New SHFILEOPSTRUCT
	'///here i specify the wildcard *.jpg ...
	Dim currentpath As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\den\My Documents\My Pictures\imgs\*.jpg" '/// images in folder to copy
	'/// new path to COPY the images to ( jpg only in this case )
	Dim newpath As String = "E:\imgs\" '/// new path
	With shStructure
		.wFunc = FO_COPY
		.pFrom = currentpath
		.pTo = newpath
	End With

End Sub

hope it helps :)

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