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If you have an option of disallowing duplicate table entries in your database then use that - what database are you using? You could then use Try, Catch to catch any exception that may be thrown if you try to entre a dup record.


If not you could use a SELECT sql command with a WHERE clause of the ID number you want to check for, if the sql select returns a record then the ID is already there if not then it is ok to insert data.



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"A mere friend will agree with you, but a real friend will argue."

ok suppose you dont want two ppl to have the same code name then what you can do is this


dim adr() as DataRow = Dataset.Tables("TableName").Select("EmpCode = '" & CODE & "'")

if adr.length = 0 Then

' the code to allow him to enter the value in db


' sorry buddy value exists

End if

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