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In VB.NET , I tried to update "date" filed in my table form my Datetimepicker from a Windows form. The SQL is :


strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Dob = Datetimepicker1.value WHERE EmployeeID = 10001"


However , the DOB field is always updated as 01/01/1900


The databse I used in MSDE , the Dob field is smalldatetime .



I tried get many get answer from some reference book ,but most of example are in updating String and Integer . I really need someone who knows the ways to update "date" field. Thank you .


This might help:


Have you set the date format of the datetimepicker control to the same as your database


datetimepicker1.customformat = 'whatever your date format should be


Also in SQL I would create a variable (e.g. varDate) set to the value of the datetimepicker value e.g.:


Dim varDate = datetimepicker1.value


And then use that within the SQL as:


strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Dob = #" & varDate & "# WHERE ....."

Visit: VBSourceSeek - The VB.NET sourcecode library



"A mere friend will agree with you, but a real friend will argue."

I alway convert my dates to double before putting into database using this method




You can then be sure no matter what format or reginal settings are on the date, the date value is correct



strSQL = "UPDATE Employee SET Dob = " & Datetimepicker1.Value.ToOADate() " & WHERE EmployeeID = 10001"



Code today gone tomorrow!

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