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Hi all,


I am try to make something that can update my database from my combobox, since I have 10 comboboxes on my form, and each perform the same function and had the same data source.

The scenario is that:

1. I have 2 tables that needed to update

2. I need to check whether the string that I typed on my combo box is existed on my database, if not, then add to the database.


The problems come in when I am trying to check my combo box, I tried many method, and still not working.


Can someone lead me with this?


Thanks very much




   Private Sub SupplierActivitesInformation()
       Dim drSupplierActivities As DataRow
       Dim c As Control
       Dim count, countdata As Integer
       dtSupplierActivities = DsSupplierActivities1.Tables("SuppliersActivities")
       For count = 1 To 10
           For Each c In ProvideActivitiesGroup.Controls
               If (c.Name = "ComboBox" & CStr(count)) And (c.Text <> "") Then
                   drSupplierActivities = dtSupplierActivities.NewRow
                   drSupplierActivities("SupplierNo") = SupplierNo + 1

------------------------PROBLEM HERE-----------------------------------

                   Call Savechanges(DsSupplierActivities1, daSupplierActivities)
               End If
       Next count

   End Sub


question. . . You want the user to be able to add activities to your database???


so lets say you had in the activity table:







The you want the the combo box to look something like this when dropped down:





Now, lets say your user "fat-fingers" the combo box and enters:





and submits,


Do you really want the database to reflect -









Joe Mamma

Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment 9: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.




That's part of my idea, but since I have 10 combo boxes that do the same tricks, if I entered something on my box, then all other boxes do the same thing, which overwrites my text that I have entered on my combo box.

I have changed my code, here is my updated code, but still gives me unwanted results.

The results came back to me is, the item was added to the combo boxes successfully, but in my database, it repeated the item 10 times. it's really killing me, been trying figure out the codes for a week already....


 Private Sub ActivitiesInformation(ByVal pActivityName As String)
       Dim drActivities As DataRow
       dtActivities = dsActivities1.Tables("Activities")
       drActivities = dtActivities.NewRow
       If dtActivities Is Nothing Then
           ActivityNo = 1
           ActivityNo = dtActivities.Rows.Count
       End If
       drActivities("ActivitiyNo") = ActivityNo + 1
       drActivities("ActivityProvided") = pActivityName

   End Sub

   Private Sub Combo(ByRef pCombo As ComboBox, ByVal dt As DataTable)
       Dim dr As DataRow
       If pCombo.Text <> "" Then
           dr = dt.NewRow
           dr("SupplierNo") = SupplierNo + 1
           If CheckExistanceInComboBox(pCombo) = False Then
               Call ActivitiesInformation(pCombo.Text)
               dr("ActivityNo") = ActivityNo + 1
           ElseIf CheckExistanceInComboBox(pCombo) = True Then
               dr("ActivityNo") = pCombo.ValueMember
           End If

       End If
   End Sub

   Private Sub SupplierActivitesInformation()
       Dim drSupplierActivities As DataRow
       dtSupplierActivities = DsSupplierActivities1.Tables("SuppliersActivities")
       Call Combo(ComboBox1, dtSupplierActivities)

       Call Combo(ComboBox2, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox3, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox4, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox5, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox6, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox7, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox8, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox9, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Combo(ComboBox10, dtSupplierActivities)
       Call Savechanges(dsActivities1, daActivities)
       Call Savechanges(DsSupplierActivities1, daSupplierActivities)
   End Sub

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