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Has anyone seen a good way to do the equivelant of a GROUP BY using a DataSet or DataView? Just curious because if I didn't have to go back to the database to get the same information, only grouped, it would save me a step.


On that note, an equivelant to SELECT DISTINCT would be cool tool.




I agree with that...totally.


Just trying to see if it's possible to short cut writing another stored procedure (in-line SQL not an option). Didn't figure there was...more of a curiousity question than anything.



I've got to ask - why use a stored procedure and not a view' date=' or even write the code directly into the program?[/quote']

How else would a view get to the application? Either a stored procedure or in line SQL in command object.


Obviously if it's a query that's used often there will be a view since that would have the best performance, or I was using an AS400 where views are a pain in the butt to manage, update, and doesn't have any performance benifits from what we've seen, in which case I would stick with a stored procedure since it would be less trouble and has no performance impact.


It was a curiosity question.


Hi Bri - LOL! Don't take what I said the wrong way - it was more a direct question, than making a point. I'm learning myself, and presently am figuring out best practices, and am asking direct questions.


I've only used triggers within SQL Server, so far, so everything I learn here is new.


(Sorry if I offended!)




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