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Hi all,


I am trying to measure the size of a picture, when I enter x and y values, then a dot would display onto the picture, how can I do it?

Don't have to type me the code, since I know it will be a huge list of codes, can somebody maybe give me a direction on how to do it?


Thanks alot




What's "A picture"


Is it a picturebox?


Is it a Bitmap?


For a bitmap, you simply do

bitmapname.setpixel(X_Position,Y_position,color.red) 'or color.blue, or color. yellow, etc.  


For a picturebox, I'm not sure how you can just set one pixel. BUT. I know how you can draw a line, and you can draw a very, very, very short line.


dim pixboxG as graphics
picboxG = picturebox.creategraphics
picboxG.drawline(new pen(Color.black), Beginning_X_Position,Beginning_Y_Position,End_X_Pos,End_Y_Pos)


I hope that helps.

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