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For the life of me I cannot get this block of C code working that I found:


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using AZROLESLib;

public class AuthorizationManagerRoleProvider: RoleProvider


Visual Studio keeps saying that the type or namespace RoleProvider cannot be found. As far as I can tell that is part of system.web.security (which I have uin my usings above). When I use the VS Class browser I cannot seem to find it.


Is this part of .NET 2.0 only - the roleprovider?




Man you know everything.


Thanks but I had found the solution earlier. A little known fact about RoleProvider - it is only in .NET 2+ . Bad for me - unless I can start using it on my project instead of 2.0.




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