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Dear Friends,


I am using combobox column in datagrid.

And I am setting AlternatingBackColor of grid to Blue.

But the combobox column is not displaying the AlternatingBackColor.

How to do this.


The following is the paint text method i used.


Private Sub PaintText(ByVal g As Graphics, _

ByVal Bounds As Rectangle, _

ByVal Text As String, _

ByVal AlignToRight As Boolean)

Dim BackBrush As Brush

BackBrush = New SolidBrush(Me.DataGridTableStyle.BackColor)

Dim ForeBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Me.DataGridTableStyle.ForeColor)

PaintText(g, Bounds, Text, BackBrush, ForeBrush, AlignToRight)

End Sub


Private Sub PaintText(ByVal g As Graphics, _

ByVal TextBounds As Rectangle, _

ByVal Text As String, _

ByVal BackBrush As Brush, _

ByVal ForeBrush As Brush, _

ByVal AlignToRight As Boolean)



Dim Rect As Rectangle = TextBounds

Dim RectF As RectangleF = RectF.op_Implicit(Rect) ' Convert to RectangleF

Dim Format As StringFormat = New StringFormat


If AlignToRight Then

Format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft

End If


Select Case Me.Alignment

Case Is = HorizontalAlignment.Left

Format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near

Case Is = HorizontalAlignment.Right

Format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far

Case Is = HorizontalAlignment.Center

Format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center

End Select


Format.FormatFlags = Format.FormatFlags Or StringFormatFlags.NoWrap

g.FillRectangle(Brush:=BackBrush, Rect:=Rect)


Rect.Offset(0, yMargin)

Rect.Height -= yMargin

g.DrawString(Text, Me.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.Font, ForeBrush, RectF, Format)



End Sub



If BackBrush is given as SolidBrush(Me.DataGridTableStyle.AltrenatingBackColor)


then all the cells in the column are displaying in Blue.


How to do this.




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