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I created a DataGridNoActiveCellColumnMultiple by inheriting from DataGridTextBoxColumn. I overloaded the paint procedure:


Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Paint(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal bounds As Rectangle, ByVal source As CurrencyManager, ByVal rowNum As Integer, ByVal backBrush As Brush, ByVal foreBrush As Brush, ByVal alignToRight As Boolean)
       If Not mblnMitKonvertierung Then
           MyBase.Paint(g, bounds, source, rowNum, backBrush, foreBrush, alignToRight)
           Select Case mintKonvertierung
               Case enmKonvertierungsArt.kaZugriffsart
                    Dim intZugriff As Integer
                    intZugriff = CInt(CType(source.Current, DataRowView).DataView.Table.Rows(rowNum).Item("Zugriffsart"))
                    MyBase.PaintText(g, bounds, mstrZugriff(intZugriff), backBrush, foreBrush, alignToRight)
               Case enmKonvertierungsArt.kaBenutzer
                   Dim strKuerzel As Char
                   Dim strGruppe As String
                   strKuerzel = CChar(CType(source.Current, DataRowView).DataView.Table.Rows(rowNum).Item("Icon"))
                   strGruppe = CStr(CType(source.Current, DataRowView).DataView.Table.Rows(rowNum).Item("Benutzer"))
                   MyBase.PaintText(g, bounds, mstrName(strKuerzel, strGruppe), backBrush, foreBrush, alignToRight)
           End Select
       End If
   Catch ex As System.Exception
       'do something
   End Try
End Sub


Now, sometimes (not reproduceable) I get following error:

The object is currently in use elsewhere

Unfortunately I have no idea what to do?!

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