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I've created a simple .aspx page with a textbox and a label. I want to change the value in the label each time a user moves the mouse over the textbox.


I have created a procedure to update the counter value (by adding 1 to the current counter value).


I can call this procedure from OnTextChanged and the label will display the result from the procedure (although the counter doesn't increase...yet). However, if I try to use OnMouseOver, I get the following message: Error: 'tbCodeTextChangedByCode_mouseover' is undefined.


Why is this error generated for OnMouseOver, but not for OnTextChanged, and how do I make it work (or at least have the procedure called from OnMouseOver)? Please keep in mind that I am very new to asp.net. :)


Thank you.



This is the code from my page:


<%@ Page Language="VB" %>


<script runat="server">



Class SimpleCounter

public x as integer

public y as integer


sub SetInitialXValue(obj as object, e as eventargs)



end sub


end Class




sub tbCodeTextChangedByCode_MouseOver(sender As Object, e as eventargs)


dim objSimpleCounter as new SimpleCounter


objSimpleCounter.y = objSimpleCounter.x + 1


lblMouseOverUpdateField.text = "Changed Via Code to : " + CSTR(objSimpleCounter.x) + " + 1 = " + CSTR(objSimpleCounter.y)


objSimpleCounter.x = objSimpleCounter.x + 1


end sub










<form runat="server">


<asp:textbox id="tbTextChangedByCode" runat="server"





<asp:label id="lblMouseoverUpdateField"






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