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Wonder if you could help me.


I�m trying to create a text file with file names found in a directory and then add various characters. This works fine however I really don�t want the directory location inserted in the file, only need the file name. Is there anyway of manipulating my code to do this?


Here is the code:



 ' Specify the directories you want to manipulate.
           Dim d() As String

           d = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(StartForm.pdfloc)

           Dim en As System.Collections.IEnumerator

           en = d.GetEnumerator

           ' Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.
           Dim sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(StartForm.pdfloc & "\metadata" & StartForm.company & ".txt")

           While en.MoveNext

              ' Add file info to text file
               sw.WriteLine(en.Current & ";" & StartForm.company & ";;")

           End While

           'Close write



This is what the code produces:


C:\Software\AD Tool\adi15.exe;202;;

C:\Software\AD Tool\adi20.exe;202;;


Another solution


You can also manipulate the string. It's not as short as GetFileName but you might find these functions useful in other situations as well.


       Dim TempString As String, FileName As String
       Dim FullPath As String = "C:\My Folder\My File.txt"

       TempString = StrReverse(FullPath) 'Returns "txt.eliF yM\redloF yM\:C"
       TempString = Split(TempString, "\")(0) 'Returns "txt.eliF yM"
       FileName = StrReverse(TempString) 'Returns "My File.txt"

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